What Happened?

As close to Cargo as we are going to get.


Posted on May 29, 2024 in Spectrum


At $450 this is some pricey artwork, which is the newest concept being offered!


So it’s now the end of June, well almost, but that means we are nearing the end of Q2 in the Star Citizen Development world.  We are at a point where we should have had at least one Major update and for practical purposes we have received that update.  Well almost.  This month we take a look into that in its entirety and put a little light on where things are at and what I think will unfold in the last couple of quarters. But I think it is best to get started with the Public Relation statements that have tried our intellectual patience for the past four weeks now…. I’m talking about the complete delivery of Version 3.23.  Yes, that again.

The long awaited 3.23.0 finally releases to the Live servers after about a month of testing.  However it is missing a majority of the content that we were all waiting on.  So we are told that there would be additional releases that would get us the promised content.  So out comes 3.23.1 and nothing yet.  So at this point this turns out to be fix to the original 3.23.0 patch which is needed to get to 3.23.2.  But then we move to the next update 3.23.1a, which is designed to fix exploits and server errors.  But let’s stop here for a second, 3.23.1a……”AHH COME ON!!!!” and they have decided they are done.

So here we are late June and we have literally been punked off for the past 4 weeks with no sign of 3.23.2 and to be honest all hope is about gone.

 But if you look back to last month’s blog, I called it! I called that the versions were not consistent with the programming world and the missing deliverables was technically going to be called 3.24.0.  Now here we are, and the recent announcement shown below describes what we can expect for 3.23.2.


Yeap, they ditched the 3.23.2 version as it was decided that it would be a major version.  When they   delivered 3.23.0 it too was a major version to 3.22.  But the reality is that Q2 ends soon (July 2, 2024) and they do not have a finished product to complete the Q2 delivery.   The problems only start to build up from the there.  They constantly keep posting up why they can not deliver the PTU deliverables and it always sounds like they are so close to getting this out that if laughable.  themselves.


 Then on June 21, 2024 they indicate they have hit another roadblock and they are not releasing the anything on that evening, but hey we will try again on Monday.  Now that is a full four weeks from when they were suppose to release to evocati status and almost 3 months from when it should have been out to begin with.  They indicate that this will have no bearing on the release of any future goals they have planned for this year, but please buy another ship to help support development.  As it stands the ships released this year have dismal at best.  They have not delivered any of the ships in backlog and claim that they need 4.0 to release before any of the ships in back log will get into live.  Yet they keep pushing out new concept designs, while it is clear they are struggling to develop the one they have on the back burner.  But I digress...This is the quarter that at some point 4.0 will make its way into the live servers and given the information provided they are not likely to make that mark.


 My advice to new players, just do the $45 pledge ship and buy all your game content within the game so you don’t end up disappointed by spending thousands of dollars. You could always buy a JPEG image like the Iron Clad with no idea of when it will come out and the fact it will probably need some form of 4.xx to make it in. Avoid disappointment. Whatever is going on at CIG is not helping their cause because they are shorting the meat off the plate and only giving us the vegetables with these so-called updates. The cargo, freight, and storage would have changed how we played the game and how we moved forward to 4.0. They have shorted the deliverable and now it may take them up to three months to fix whatever they push out and then we will be looking well into the Q4 before 4.0 is even considered showing up to the PTU servers. The only hopes are that when we get to CitizenCon they have something out (at least in testing for 4.0) so they don’t have to get through that moment where the people that pledge ask the infamous question…. What the hell happened?

So, what is your take on where things are at. Do you think they (CIG) are developing as promised? Do you think they should stop providing new ships to raise revenue right now until they clear some back log? Or at least provide ETA for delivery, provide you comment for that.

Thats it for this month, thanks for reading and don’t forget to take the quick survey and leave your comments if you want. We’ll see you again next month! o7’s


Snookered Again???