The setup being assembled for initial stream

I get a lot of questions of what I use to run the game on and what I stream on. The fact is that I use two (2) PCs to run the stream and game through. The video capture card and some sleight of hand network configuration allows the two PCs to work in tandem together. The network is the backup in case the video capture card is not working properly, or I need software on one PC to provide programs that are on the other to enable some functionalities that are being called for by the other computer. But we can get more into that later, because it mostly run in that capacity when I do flight simulation. Most of my scenery and ATC are run on one computer while the flight simulation is run on the other. This is all topped of in streaming through our trusted Cisco VPN network. But I will detail out each PC spec info for anyone that is interested. I will also list all the flight sticks in the tech closet that I use for various game play features needed. We are currently working on this list and will get it posted soon for you. So, if anyone has any questions or wants to know something about our experiences with products let us know, we will be happy to answer. But again, it will be delayed in getting posted here as we currently testing sound boards for streaming and arranging soundtracks for the stream.